The Phillip's Bible Institute was founded and organized in September 1974 by our late pastor Dr. Jasper J. Phillips (1916-2003). The name of the institute was changed to Phillips Bible Institute in 1999 to honor its founder. For many years, it was the desire of his heart to organize a bible school where the people of God could attend training classes with a systematic course of study. During the last fifty years, our student body has been composed of members and alumni from many denominations, some of whom traveled 50 miles each week to attend classes. Many of our students received a Leadership Certificate, the highest certificate offered in the ETA program and go on to become highly qualified pastors, ministers and/or bible school teachers. The school has been staffed with all spirit-filled teachers that are truly dedicated to the Lord and His work. The teachers have always served on a voluntary basis and have been faithful in their service to the school. Each teacher has been certified by the Evangelical Teacher Association in which the Bible institute is an affiliation.